Sunday, January 9, 2011

The Apartment Over Denmyr's

I laughed out loud when I saw the realtor write the address of my new apartment:

Apartment over Denmyr’s
William Street

“No apartment number?” I asked.
“’Tis a small town,” she answered, “The postman’ll know where ‘tis.”

Listowel may be small in area, but no on can say that it is empty.  The town is bursting with little trinket shops, draperies (which I discovered is a place that sells anything textile: clothes, bedding, towels, etc.), pharmacies, and cafes galore.  I mean, they even sell Clinique makeup here, for goodness sake.  My apartment is located over a little trinket store known as Denmyr’s.  They sell jewelry, cards, and many other odds and ends.  I have found that stores here rarely specialize in just one thing – many stores sell a little bit of everything. 

My apartment (or flat, as they sometimes call them here) is a gem.  For the measly price of 75 euro per week, I live in a fully furnished one-bedroom double, with all hardwood floors, updated appliances, and a washer and dryer.  My landlord is such a sweet man.  I randomly mentioned that I needed to purchase a European hairdryer, and an hour later he was back at my door with one for me to borrow while I am here.  He also told me that he would bring me a desk and chair later so that I will have a place to do my studying.

I have found that I feel much less like a “grown up” in Listowel than I do back in Kentucky.  Everyone I meet is astounded that I am so far away from home on my own, and their general response is, “But you’re just a little thing!  Your poor mum!”  My first night in Listowel, I stayed in a lovely B&B called the North County House.  During breakfast the next morning, I told the owner that I would be staying for the next four months in an apartment down the street.  The owner, a beautiful and tall blonde lady, immediately went into maternal mode, telling me that if I ever needed anything – someone to talk to, food, money, anything – to let her know.  That morning, she became my Irish mother. 

Two days later, I was adopted by another mother.  On the bus ride from Tralee to Listowel, I met a lovely lady whose husband owns a drapery shop in Listowel.  After we got off of the bus, she very kindly helped me find the B&B and then went on her way.  Well, last night, right after I had finished washing the dishes from my supper, I got a buzz from downstairs – it was the lady from the bus!  How on earth did she find me?  I opened the door and there she stood with three bags full of items.  I was amazed as she pulled each goody out in my kitchen – a cake, a huge tin of chocolate biscuits, candy, oranges, orange juice, paper towels, aluminum foil, magazines, and a new electric blanket.  She had gathered all these items up for me, and then called the owner of the B&B, who then called the realtor in order to get my address.  Before she left, I gave her a hug and thanked her for her kindness.  She said, “Not at all, my dear.  But make sure you drink your orange juice.  You’re just a tiny thing and need the Vitamin C.”  Irish mother number two.

It’s been less than a week, and I have already met some of the nicest people that I have ever encountered.  My second Irish mother told me once that it’s my personality that attracts the good.  I beg to differ – the Irish are just that nice.

 Pretty Listowel

 View from my window

 Living room



The wonderful spread from my Irish mother #2


  1. Fascinating! You may be tiny but not a push over ;) I'm glad you're in such a wonderful place! Enjoy!

  2. I cant believe the kindness of the people you are meeting!! To think you met someone on a bus, and a few days later they show up with groceries for you, unbelievable! This makes me so happy!! I love that you already have two Irish mums and a sweet and kind landlord :)

  3. Tell your Irish mother to please put several Raisin and Biscuit Yorkie bars in an envelope addressed to Skendallsaurus Rex, USA, Nashville, TN.
    Do everything over there! And drink a beer for me and TJ. Make sure it's a good one. A beer isn't good unless you can eat it with a fork.

  4. this post makes me so happy. im so glad there are so many nice mothers there!!! yayayayaya holly!!!
